ok ladies and gents the time has come for me to post EVERY RECORD I'VE EVER MADE to the web-well,most of my records!
Here's the thing, I come up with these HOT songs, record them and either shop them to other artists or keep them for myself depending on whether or not they fit the scheme of my project. But year after year, other artists come out with the same concept/idea but, because of the fact that they have a "major machine" (record company) backing them, they get heard before my songs are heard. But in 2010, we have youtube and other sites that allow unsigned artists to get heard. Therefore, I'm taking the opportunity to get my songs out there right now and I'm not talking about one or two! I'm like Pac when it comes to the studio love-it's a real serious situation. I'm talking about 50-100 songs on the low end. Those are the finished ones and I have maybe 50 unfinished. Some are new and some are old, some are demos for other artists, some are for me but, I want to put them All out there and throw caution to the wind. Some songs I wrote for guys but I sang them to show the artist the melody. So if you hear me singing to a chick don't think I'm on the other side of the fence-this is art playboy/playgirl! But shout out to you if you are-I got love for everybody!!lol
To all of my friends that love my music, stay posted to my twitter and facebook pages for up and coming details of the launch.