As I sit here drinking my morning coffee, my creative mind is bothered at the moment.
My nails are too long and I cant type as fast-so some thoughts are left out. I drank too much lastnight! Im ready for a new look and I want "washboard" abs. Should I just get a new car and go back to paying a monthly note? I want to open a youth center RIGHT NOW! I should have bought those lace leggings yesterday, even though I didnt have time to try them on. I wonder how Snoops mansion party went lastnight?? I was invited but I didn't want to drive that far. I want a new Swaravoski ring. Are they still going to have the "Paris Box" at Claires that I want-it was made for my bookcase. Should I buy the new Michael Kors rose gold watch? Is it better to buy a laptop or an ipad?I need to find curtains that are fabulous! How come NO ONE sells fabulous, vintage, french, black and creme curtains?! I HAVE to find who I'm looking for. The "Great American Apparel Diet" sounds so interesting to me-but would I have the nerve?

Im thinking about all these things yet, Im not crazy, thats just how us women do.
NEW year, NEW mind set, NEW swag, NEW sacrifice, NEW beginnings, NEW love, NEW strengths, NEW chances-What An Amazing Gift To Get A NEW Start!

Rather than thinking will I accomplish all of my goals in 2011, I must make it happen. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I've heard it all before, BUT I need HELP making it happen! <-------- Or is that the problem? Am I looking for help, when I should be doing everything myself?
Can someone recommend some books on organization and/or problem solutions?
I'll admit, when something starts getting too difficult, SOMETIMES I get frustrated and move on to the next thing. Even if I put it down for a moment and then pick it back up, I do not want to to do that anymore. Call me THE FINISHER! I need completion in my life!
Am I the only one that feels overloaded? I have personal goals, then I have business goals, then I have family goals, then I have financial goals-not in that order either. I think about them all-often! I wonder what life would be like without thinking about all these things at the same time. I also think what life would be like when I reach my goals and live them. Will I do a youtube video like beyonce crying telling everybody, I have it all, Im so rich,Im living my dreams, blah, blah, blah? What happens when we reach our goals?? Will we have a new set of goals to reach next? Is life about a chase that never surrenders? Are we racing to a finish line that will never appear?

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